Useful infor­ma­ti­on about vol­un­teer work in Bielefeld

I would like to enga­ge in vol­un­t­a­ry work

Bie­le­feld needs peo­p­le like you, peo­p­le who are wil­ling to con­tri­bu­te their time and know­ledge to help sus­tain and main­tain a caring society. 

  • All our vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties are ‚optio­nal‘, mea­ning that they are not meant to replace regu­lar employment.
  • All our vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties are fur­ther­mo­re ‚addi­tio­nal‘ tasks, mea­ning that they are only pos­si­ble becau­se of vol­un­t­a­ry participation.
  • All places of assign­ment offer insu­rance covera­ge name­ly lia­bi­li­ty insu­rance (Haft­pflicht­ver­si­che­rung) and acci­dent insu­rance (Unfall­ver­si­che­rung)

You are inte­res­ted in vol­un­tee­ring but aren’t sure about the specifics?

Here is a list to help decide:


Would you prefer:

  • regu­lar dates?
  • fixed dates, once or twice a week, weekly, every two weeks or monthly?
  • indi­vi­du­al­ly arran­ged dates?
  • over a short or long peri­od of time?


  • Are you loo­king for some­thing near your home?
  • Are other dis­tricts in town also possible?
  • Do you need your trans­por­ta­ti­on cos­ts reimbursed?

Get­ting in contact

  • Would you like to make (new) cont­acts and are you loo­king to vol­un­teer with other peo­p­le or for other peo­p­le?
  • Would you pre­fer vol­un­tee­ring  in a one on one situa­ti­on or rather in a group?
  • Who would you like to work with: (new­ly arri­ved) migrants, child­ren and young peo­p­le, fami­lies, seni­or citi­zens, dis­ab­led peo­p­le etc.

The type of activity

  • Prac­ti­cal work, like doing shifts in a non-pro­fit shop, fixing litt­le things for seni­or citi­zens or taking over trans­port services
  • Enga­ging in some­thing you espe­ci­al­ly enjoy doing, or some­thing you are good at like play­ing musik, spea­king a for­eign lan­guage or working with com­pu­ters, coo­king etc.

Your per­so­nal motivation

  • Doing some­thing meaningful like sup­port­ing someone through dif­fi­cult times
  • Get­ting in cont­act with others
  • Chan­ge of care­er and the­r­e­fo­re the search for new insights
  • Com­mit­ting yours­elf in socio-poli­ti­cal acti­vi­ties, like children’s rights, pro­tec­tion of natu­re and bio­di­ver­si­ty, human rights etc.

Click here to search our online data base of vol­un­tee­ring oppurtunities

Trai­ning Courses

As a vol­un­teer, you can con­tri­bu­te with a lot of skills and expe­ri­ence. Howe­ver, hono­ra­ry work can also offer the oppor­tu­ni­ty to gai­ning new know­ledge and skills and deve­lo­ping per­so­nal­ly. The Frei­wil­li­gen­agen­tur Bie­le­feld e.V. offers an advan­ced trai­ning pro­gram on various topics and are­as of enga­ge­ment — whe­ther you are inte­res­ted in non-vio­lent com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on or would like to attend a work­shop on a cur­rent topic, sup­port new­ly migra­ted peo­p­le or wish to vol­un­teer with seni­or citizens. 

You can find all our cour­ses in our event calen­dar here.

Plea­se cont­act us if you have questions

Get in cont­act with us

Lai­la Thu­mann
Socio­lo­gist (Dipl.)


Fried­je-Marie Bor­mann
B.Sc. Health Communication

Pho­ne: 0521/ 32 99–530
E‑Mail: or

Con­sul­ta­ti­on Hours

Wed­nes­days from 3pm to 5pm

or by indi­vi­du­al arrangement

Public Libra­ry Bie­le­feld (Stadt­bi­blio­thek Bielefeld)

Neu­markt 1, 33602 Bielefeld


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